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Schedule of Events
THURS. 4/13:
12PM (NOON): Early bird event check-in begins
Check in a day early at the Lake Como office for wristband & registration at no additional charge. Get comfortable, explore Lake Como and set up your tent site in the North Grove!
Lake Como’s pool, hot tub, showers & sauna are open 24 hours. See map for amenities. Cafe Hours TBA
FRI. 4/14:
12PM: Waterslide opens - North Grove
12:30-2PM: Deep Tissue Stretching with Victor - Lakeside, North Grove
Our focus in this class is to release tension, knots, and pain points inside our bodies to allow relaxation to settle in both our bodies and minds. Moving with our breath, we let go - allowing self-love. Bring a mat or a towel and water!
2-3PM: Learn to Juggle with Jeff Juggles - Flow Space, North Grove
Learn the basics of juggling as well as some more advanced movements for those who know how to juggle already
3-4PM: Women’s Wisdom: Circles & Cycles with Sierra - Butt Hutt Deck
ALL-INCLUSIVE: all genders and identities are welcome! We will learn about sacred wisdom of women, cycles, and archetypes and hold space for the divine feminine.
Bring a journal and pen
4:20PM: FLINT BLADE - North Grove Stage
6PM: Fire Safety Meet with Jeff Juggles - Meet at Fire Ring, North Grove
All Friday night fire performers must attend
7PM: Group Photo - Stage Front, North Grove
Photo wristband required and available only at the Lake Como office
7PM-12AM: Blacklight UV Body Painting - Art Tent, North Grove
Paints, spray bottles, brushes & sponges provided by FYN
8PM-12AM: Fire Performances - Flow Zone, North Grove
Open to fire performers who attended the 6pm fire safety meet
8-10PM: SAUCE POCKET - North Grove Stage
10PM-12AM: Drum and Dance Fire Circle - Main Fire Ring, North Grove
Bring instruments and dancing feet!
Lake Como’s pool, hot tub, showers & sauna are open 24 hours. See map for amenities. Cafe Hours TBA
SAT. 4/15:
9-10AM: Yoga with Annette - Butt Hutt Deck
This class will start with a gentle warmup and follow with a core strengthening Vinyasa Flow and close with a nice relaxing Savasana
10-11AM: Birdwatching nature walk with Blaize - Meet at Main Fire Pit, North Grove
Group will organize to walk together to the Nature Trails at approximately 10:15
11AM-12PM: Naturism in the Virtual Age with Drew - Rec. Hall
Join Drew for a look at how online content creation has become more nude-friendly in recent years, and why more creators are accepting and embracing it
11AM-12PM: Break on Through: Breathwork with Roderick & Braeley - Butt Hutt Deck
We have every single thing we need already within us, this is simply a chance to realize it. Meant for empowerment, liberation and enjoyment; this session can reveal the light that is in everything, bringing a newfound intensity and vibrance to every moment moving forward. This will be a Journey to the Heart
12-1PM: Learn to Juggle with Jeff Juggles - Flow Space, North Grove
Learn the basics of juggling, as well as some more advanced movements for those who know how to juggle already
1-2PM: Self Defense Seminar with Master Victor - Lakeside, North Grove
In this class, we will go over basic self defense techniques and situational awareness to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. We will learn to grow in confidence, learn to recognize certain situations and how to deal with them properly. Bring drinking water!
2-3PM: Thai Massage Workshop with Sage - Meet at Stage, North Grove
Bring a partner and a mat, or show up early and pair up with someone. Let's work together to practice some Thai massage techniques. We'll touch on communication and boundaries before getting into 5 methods to facilitate just the right amount of stretch!
3pm: Group Photo - Stage Front, North Grove
Photo wristband required and available only at the Lake Como office
3-4PM: Ultimate Frisbee Intro with Brazeaux - Flow Area, North Grove
Learn how to throw and catch the frisbee with this fun group! Brazaux will teach how to play 7v7 ultimate frisbee and break down some of the basics of how to be the defender and the offense! We will wrap it up with a 30 min game at the end to really bring it all together
4-5PM: OPEN MIC - North Grove Stage
5-7PM: KARAOKE with Cobi - North Grove Stage
6PM: Fire Safety Meet with Jeff Juggles - meet at Fire Ring, North Grove
All Saturday night fire performers must attend
7-8PM: VEJJI - North Grove Stage
7-8PM: Golden Hour souvenier photo shoot with Bryson and Melanie - Lakeside, North Grove
Meet by the lake shore, near the North Grove stage (weather permitting) Photos will be free, one per person - while supplies last
8PM-12AM: Fire Performances - Flow Zone, North Grove
8-9PM: Tristan Harvey - North Grove Stage
8PM -12AM: Blacklight UV Body Painting - Art Tent, North Grove
Paints, spray bottles, brushes & sponges provided by FYN.
10PM-12AM: JOEY TENUTO BAND - North Grove Stage
Lake Como’s pool, hot tub, showers & sauna are open 24 hours. See map for amenities. Cafe Hours TBA
SUN. 4/16:
9-10am: Pilates with Rose - Beach Area (Kayak / Paddleboard launch)
Pilates is for every body! Our focus is on the core's core. We will lentghen & strengthen whilst connecting mind & body. Bring a mat or towel, water and your beautiful body
10-11AM: Birdwatching nature walk with Blaize - Meet at Fire Pit
Group will organize to walk together to the Nature Trails at approximately 10:15
11AM-12PM: Dynamic Vinyasa Flow Yoga with Annette, Butt Hutt Deck
This class will start with a gentle warmup and follow with a core strengthening Vinyasa Flow and close with a nice relaxing Savasana
12-1PM: Naturism and Environmental Self-Awareness with Sean - Butt Hutt Deck
Come join Sean in a casual conversation about the topics above. We will conclude with a guided meditation intended to facilitate deeper connection with ourselves, others and the world around us
1-2PM: Let me see that Fruishi Roll! with Robbe - Rec. Hall
Fruishi is like sushi - made with fruit, not fish! Learn to roll a Marley Roll - made with nori (seaweed), sticky rice, mango, avocado & strawberry, topped with jerk pineapple sauce (we’ll make that too) All supplies provided for the first 10-12 to show up. Others can watch and taste our creations
1-2PM: Onigiri with Levi - Rec. Hall
Rice balls anyone?? Learn how to prepare and eat this simple japanese snack! We will provide rice and supplies so bring your appetite and creativity
2-3pm: Soil Building and Composting Workshop with Brazeaux- Meet at Fire Pit, North Grove
Learn how to build your own soil, take a walk around the lake and learn how to see and feel different substrates to help identify the land around you. Dirty mud bath at the end! (optional)
3-4PM: Healing through Dance with Sierra and Braeley- Lakeside, North Grove
Let's dance! We will be intentionally moving our bodies to transcend emotions and to connect with our body's intuitive notion. By using our senses we will individually heal and collectively connect
7-10PM: KARAOKE with Cobi - North Grove Stage
Lake Como’s pool, hot tub, showers & sauna are open 24 hours. See map for amenities. Cafe Hours TBA
MON. 4/17:
12pm (noon) North Grove event & tenting area closes to FYN event attendees
Please see the office if you wish to extend your stay at Lake Como. Be safe, see you next time!
WRISTBANDS AT GATE: $100 (includes tax)
Available Thurs-Sun April 13-16, 2023 at Lake Como
Event is open only to current FYN MEMBERS and NEW GUESTS who are ages 18-35. Membership is not required for new guests. Under 18 are admitted free of charge with parent/guardian attending. SEE EVENT FAQ HERE
Wristbands will not be mailed. Wristbands available at the gate April 13-16.
See you at the BASH!
Click flyer to RSVP for updates:

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